[ Madgeburg ] And Saddam did have WMDs
The German press' nonsense about thehvjh g hkj Magdeburg attack is echoed in unison by all those in Europe who are terrified by the prospect of being ousted.
This is the translation in english of the article published in french by L’Eclaireur on 12/21/2024.
Libération has always resorted to sophistry, like the overwhelming majority of the legacy French medias. By repeating without any verification the nonsense spread by the german press, not only is its propagandist agenda evident, but it keeps on digging its own grave. Without heavy subsidies (close to € 2Bn in 2024), most French newpapers and magazines would have faced bankrupcy a long time ago. Here in Europe, we have massive issues with our political and media systems, which have been divorced from reality for ages.
For forty years, every time the reality they deliberately deny catches up with them, these politico-media systems insist on imposing what exists only in the deranged minds of those who work there. These are the same deranged minds that claimed the Iraqi army in Kuwait was throwing premature babies out of incubators, that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that Vladimir Putin seeks to recreate the USSR, that the fabricated Bucha massacre is real and perpetrated by the russian military, and, most recently, that the criminal jihadists—supported by the West, Turkey, and Qatar—who led to Bashar al-Assad’s fall are mere rebels, “pragmatic radicals.”
The far right in Germany is attacking innocent people in Christmas markets to achieve its stated political goal of preserving the western Christian civilization. Right...
The 9/11 attacks were planned in Germany— in Hamburg—by Mohamed Atta, an Egyptian and Saudi national, an architect by trade and a PhD student. He was recruited into Al Qaeda by the syrian jihadist Mohammed Haydar Zammar, naturalized german, who later was handed over by the U.S. through "extraordinary rendition" to none other than... Bashar al-Assad's regime.
It wouldn’t be the first time individuals have been manipulated into committing attacks to justify undemocratic decisions. Consider the 1980 Munich Oktoberfest bombing, which killed 13 and injured 211, occurring—coincidentally—a few weeks before federal general elections. A 21-year-old terrorist with far-right connections was said to have acted alone and somehow managed to obtain 1.4 kg of TNT to build his bomb...
This grim affair has never been fully elucidated, despite numerous indications pointing toward NATO’s "stay-behind" networks (gone rogue?), which were sowing death in Italy around the same time (e.g., the Bologna train station bombing, which killed 85 and injured over 200 just a month and a half before the Munich attack), as well as the Brabant killers, who terrorized Belgium from 1982 to 1985. Let’s stop here, or we’ll be accused of being conspiracy theorists.
At this stage, the motivations of the perpetrator of the car-ramming attack in Magdeburg are unknown. The only confirmed facts are that he is a 50-year-old saudi psychiatrist legally residing in Germany. Claims that he was an anti-Islam activist with far-right links are false. It’s a lie.
Update as of 12/21/2024 at 11:34 PM : This perp is reportedly a member of Saudi Arabia's Shia minority. He was radicalized and had repeatedly threatened to “kill Germans” following the massive influx of Sunni migrants starting in 2015, when Merkel opened the floodgates without any oversight. Germany’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the equivalent of DHS and the MI5, was aware of him but was likely too busy hunting “hate” on the internet.
Now look at Olaf Scholz, personally responsible — though not the only one —for Germany’s disastrous situation, exploiting for electoral gains five still-warm corpses and over 200 injured.
With the same persitent Orwellian verbosity. “Hate” is a human emotion—not the noblest alright, but as irrepressible as love. It is neither an object nor a political program. Every sane human being knows how to control its emotions to avoid acting on them. “He refrains,” as Albert Camus said.
One must keep in mind the context in which this attack occurred. Olaf Scholz lost a vote of confidence in the Bundestag, which he delayed for far too long as his coalition has been effectively dead for nearly a year. Legislative elections are now set for February. The left will lose, and the AfD (a party reputed to be far-right but in reality, merely a sovereigntist right-wing,therefore anti-EU) will likely emerge stronger.
Germany’s rapid collapse is indeed the result of Merkel’s sixteen years in power, but it is the “traffic light” coalition (red for the Social Democrats, orange for the Liberals, and green for the Greens) that hammered in the ultimate nails in the coffin with its support for the war in Ukraine and its passivity in the face of the Nord Stream sabotage by the U.S.
Since the COVID, Germany - and most of Europe- seems be once again the pray of its old totalitarian demons. An improbable coalition comprising the Christian Democrats, the sovereignist and anti-immigration left led by Sahra Wagenknecht, and the Social Democrats has just elected Minister-President of the state of Thuringia a former officer of the Stasi—the notorious political police of East Germany, which was no less sinister than the Nazi Gestapo—in order to prevent the AfD from obtaining ministerial positions in this state...
No one describes what is happening across the Rhine better than Eugyppius, a german philologist who left academia to focus on writing. He asserts:
This blackberry government is the most absurd political construct that the Federal Republic has ever seen. It was not called into being because anybody wants a blackberry government, or because a blackberry government makes any pragmatic sense, and still less because the parties of the blackberry government have anything in common. The sole purpose of the blackberry government is to keep Alternative für Deutschland out of power. The AfD, you will remember, emerged from the September elections as by far the strongest party in Thüringen, with 32 of 88 seats. It is not easy to govern over the heads of a party commanding that much strength, but it is necessary, because allowing the AfD as clear electoral victor to form their own government would be anti-democratic.
The AfD, a party often portrayed as far-right, is nothing else but the convergence of discontent from the center and right over the policies of Angela Merkel, which have been continued by Olaf Scholz.
Listen Eugyppius, him again, in his interview with French Invaders, explaining all of this far better than we ever could.
Funny how the same modus operandi is being used all over Europe to ostracize, in the name of democracy, a very significant if not majority of the electorate - the one that dares to voice its opposition to neoliberal policies, globalization, the EU, and even NATO—thus opposing the euro-Atlantic elites.
In both Germany and France, incumbent powers are blatantly disregarding the verdict of the ballot box through underhanded (and heavyhanded) maneuvers, resulting in the unlikely alliance of the carp and the rabbit—illustrating that both have the same interest: staying in power. For any change of leadership shall lead to a change of course, and is thus merely a bad theater play.
By not appointing a prime minister from the Nouveau Front Populaire, the left wing coalition which topped the last legislative elections he himself triggered, Emmanuel Macron ignored the decision of the french people. Unless he should have appointed a member of the National Rally (nationalist right), which holds the largest political group in the Assembly. By choosing Michel Barnier, and then, after his government was outsted, François Bayrou (who decided to speak to everyone except LFI and RN, parties representing 50% of the french electorat) he merely prolongs and exacerbates an institutional crisis for which he is responsible, for the the sole purpose of remaining in power.
Is the AfD a "far-right" party? The answer is no. Not from an ideological standpoint. Most of its leadership and electorate come from the conservative wing of the CDU and some hard-line ordoliberals opposed to Angela Merkel’s policies. Note that the AfD performs significantly worse in Bavaria than in other states, because the Bavarian counterpart of the CDU, the CSU, is more conservative, more opposed to mass immigration, more eurosceptic.
The co-chair of the AfD and leader of its parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Alice Weidel, holds a PhD in economics and is a China specialist, having lived there for six years. Formerly with Goldman Sachs and Allianz Investors, she is a lesbian and lives with her partner of Sri Lankan origin. This same-sex couple has two children. This woman certainly ticks all the boxes of the far right: uneducated, racist, homophobic, etc... (it’s ironic).
She stated in 2017, the year of her election to the Bundestag, as quoted by Le Figaro:
"I come from a small town that has been overwhelmed by Muslim immigration. I have been insulted at school or at the pool because I was a young Germangirl. I have seen lawlessness increasing in the way women ar treated, and it’s getting worse. [In Germany] there are no-go areas where my partner and I can no longer visit. There is the also the broader issue for women's rights in general. Our Constitution is clear about gender equality. But in Islam, under Sharia law, men and women are not equal. I don’t want that in our country."
Seven years later, on November 19, 2024, Barbara Slowik, the head of the Berlin police, advised Jews and homosexuals against going to certain neighborhoods in the capital…
"I will not defame any group of people here. Unfortunately, there are neighborhoods where a majority of people of Arab descent live, and who also have sympathy for terrorist organizations."
Reality, what a disgrace !
Finally, there’s Elon Musk’s stunt, who thought clever to write on X that only the AfD could save Germany, while Trump, on the same day, threatened the European Union with punitive tariffs if it did not reduce its trade deficit with the USA by buying oil and gas. Panic in Berlin, in other European capitals, and within european institutions.
Musk should stop being a smartass and beware of the blowback. People in Europe find him increasingly unbearable, including those supporting is fight for free speech. We could put it no better than Thomas Fazi already has.
Denying reality doesn’t made it vanish. The technocratic ideologues at the helm in Europe have managed to stay in place so far because the Americans who put them there believed they should remain there. Subsequently to Trump’s election, it is no longer clear that it is still be the case.
And then here is the holy terror that social networks instill to those in power. They enable new, extremely effective forms of citizen organizing enabling to voice disagreement and hold those who govern accountable for their actions in close to real-time.
The Yellow Vests in France were the first example. Another has emerged in the USA, where, under popular pressure mobilized on X, the 1547 pages’ RC bill to avoid federal shutdown was rejected. This bill, which was only communicated to lawmakers and the public 48 hours before the vote deadline, contained everything and anything to ensure that nothing changed within the federal governement during Trump’s second term.
The elites are scared shitless by collective intelligence as truth is established through an increasingly fast social process. It's hard to lie these days.